Unique Personalize Decoration Art

Welcome to my Blog

A brand new collection of arts has just beed added!
Checkout the New collection link under the Product Gallery on the right.

Last year, few of my works were displayed in a very nice restaurant in Saint Job, Brussels, called MISS.
The place has changed sins (owned by the same owner) and its now called "LOL Pitabar".  Still very nice place and tasty food.
Address: Chaussée de Saint Job 674, 1180 Bruxelles (Uccle)  

Mid May 2010 I participated in an exhibition in Brussels:

Thank you for all the visitors that came, and many thanks for the positive feedback!
Checkout the From the Expo page for some photos from the Accessible Art Fair.

About my artwork.
Most of us capture our life and our loved ones life's with many digital pictures, but do we look at these pictures as often as we would if they were printed?
So here is a great idea to use your digital photos with a unique artistic decoration!

Pick the photos that you want to print in the decorative art and together we create a unique deco art and fit the final design to your home or office.

All my works are based on the same idea of collecting many photos and positioning them in a special collage that build a shape that we choose together.

The shape can be a scatter of images that form an artistic effect or combine together one big image (like a puzzle or mosaic).
Checkout the puzzle collage page now.

Another option is to fill a shape with pictures from a wedding, party, trip etc, to form a smooth collage in a unique shape that also gives a message.  This is a great idea for a present to express your feelings.
Any text and/or shape can be used and even cropped to the shape after printing it on a 2cm width white plastic base or on Aluminum.
Checkout the cropped shapes page now.

A simpler way to express your love...
Checkout the collage in a shape page now.


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